“After the Denial,” by Tom Athanasiou. West / Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Combined Issue, Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 2009, pp. 23 – 36.

Climate Equity Reference Project
“After the Denial,” by Tom Athanasiou. West / Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Combined Issue, Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 2009, pp. 23 – 36.
There are three main points to this nice short introduction to GDRs:
This nice, somewhat formal overview of GDRs, framed in the context of the academic policy debate, was written by Paul Baer, Glenn Fieldman, Tom Athanasiou and Sivan Kartha, and published in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 21, Issue 4 December 2008, pages 649 – 66. It can be downloaded here.
“Greenhouse Development Right” and “The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World,” by Tom Athanasiou, Paul Baer, Sivan Kartha, Christian Aid. (The first is the Nairobi draft, the second is the Exec Summary as it stood a while ago). Both will be reprinted as chapters in Climate Change: The Human Rights Dimension, a book to be published (Feb 2009) by ICFAI University Press in Kolkata, India.
Exploring the 2020 global emissions mitigation gap, a report for the Global Climate Network at the UK’s Institute for Public Policy Research, by Paul Baer, EcoEquity Research Director. It analyses the “mitigation gap” between current US and EU proposal and the levels of mitigation that would be necessary to meet the loudly-announced goal of halving global emissions by 2050. (December 2008)