“The Bali Roadmap and North-South Cooperation: The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World.” Background Paper 1 for the European Climate Platform seminar on Positive Incentives, Madrid, 17 & 18 April 2008, Sivan Kartha, Bo Kjellen, Paul Baer, and Tom Athanasiou. Published in the European Review of Energy Markets.
Global Fairness
Global Fairness, Yes! Magazine, Spring 2008. Reprinted in AlterNet, March 26, 2008
Towards a Defensible Climate Realism
In Towards a Defensible Climate Realism, published on www.ecoequity.org and republished in Foreign Policy in Focus site, Tom Athanasiou argues that realism – one of the most fundamental of political concepts – will be entirely redefined by the climate crisis.
First Edition of the GDR book
The actual first edition of the Greenhouse Development Rights book – The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World: The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework – was published in December of 2007. Again, this is not the current version, but you can still download it here.
Evaluation of Climate Policy Frameworks and Proposals
In June of 2007, two of the authors, Paul Baer and Tom Athanasiou, moved the project forward by way of a study for the Heinrich Böll Foundation with the snappy title of A Brief, Adequacy and Equity-Based Evaluation of Some Prominent Climate Policy Frameworks and Proposals, which briefly compares six approaches to a post-Kyoto climate regime, all of which claim to be fair. One of them, unsurprisingly, is (and early versions of) Greenhouse Development Rights. All were evaluated on their own terms, and also in terms of its ability, or potential ability, to deliver the all-important quality that we call “developmental equity.”