The Greenhouse Development Rights project has had many friends and supporters. Organizations among them include Christian Aid and its Aprodev partners, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Stockholm Environment Institute,and Oxfam Great Britain. We are, in addition, extremely grateful for the support that we have been given by the the Town Creek Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a non-profit organization striving to promote democracy, civil society, human rights, international understanding and a healthy environment internationally. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is affiliated with the German Green Party. It is headquartered in Berlin, with 25 offices worldwide. The Washington D.C. office of the Böll Foundation was created in 1998 to support our international efforts. Today, the Heinrich Böll Foundation cooperates worldwide, with over 200 partner organizations in more than 60 countries.
Christian Aid is one of the biggest international development agencies in the world. It was formed and is still backed by the major Christian churches in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It works with local partner organizations in over 60 countries around the world to help the world’s poorest communities. Christian Aid works where the need is greatest, regardless of religion or race. Christian Aid campaigns to change the rules and systems that keep people poor, speaking out on issues such as trade justice, climate change, and third world debt. It is a major member of the Trade Justice Movement and Make Poverty History campaigns.
The Stockholm Environment Institute is an independent, international research institute specializing in sustainable development and environment issues. It works at local, national, regional and global policy levels. SEI research programmes aim to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity. SEI along with its predecessor, the Beijer Institute, have been engaged in major environment and development issues for a quarter of a century.
Oxfam International is a confederation of 13 like-minded organizations working together and with partners and allies around the world to bring about lasting change. We work directly with communities and we seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges is a Norwegian trust that funds communication projects which mitigate anthropogenic climate change.